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LikeForex.com glossary is the most complete financial glossary on the internet, helping thousands of individuals keep up-to-date with today's financial world.

Did you run across an unfamiliar term when applying for a forex trading account? Do you read a vague term in your home mortgage agreement? Do you see a strange financial term in a company quarterly report? LikeForex.com glossary get all those answers for you.

With the largest financial term glossary databases on the internet, covering all areas in the financial sector. Currently it has more than 40,000 financial terms, and new terms are added frequently.

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Financial terms in "Operation and Production"

1. Drop Frame Timecode

2. Comptroller's Form 62

3. Animation

4. In Point

5. Dimensional Weight

6. Gamut

7. Backflush

8. Locator System

9. output

10. Compositing

11. Order Cost

12. indirect labor costs

13. Blind Counts

14. Straight Truck

15. EOQ

16. Break-even point

17. carriage free

18. Pickups

19. Wipe

20. Cost Of Sales

21. Vertical Interval

22. Renewal/replacement Fund

23. Pip (picture In Picture)

24. Gaylord

25. Radio Frequency

26. Work-in-process (wip)

27. Speech-based Technology

28. Wave Picking

29. Skid

30. Wet-gate

31. handling charge

32. Quantity Allocated

33. Transportation Management System

34. Net Price

35. Rotoscoping

36. Phantom Bill Of Material

37. Cutaway

38. Full Screen

39. Bill

40. Transfer price

41. pricing policy

42. Costing Method

43. Smoothing Factor

44. administered price

45. standard

46. Optional Replenishment

47. Aspect Ratio

48. Visual Effects Supervisor

49. Gprms (general Parameters)

50. Jog

51. loading

52. Value Engineering

53. agreed price

54. consignor

55. seasonality

56. unit cost

57. supplier

58. Planned Order

59. Quicktime

60. effective date

61. selling price

62. Laser Scanner

63. Call Sheet

64. Editing

65. Pick-and-pass

66. turnround

67. Super Bill Of Material

68. Fha (full Height Anamorphic)

69. Turnaround

70. Variable Lead Time

71. Shutter Speed

72. University User

73. Consignment Inventory

74. Lifo, Last-in-first-out

75. Reserve Storage

76. industrial goods

77. Advanced Planning And Scheduling

78. Rear Projection

79. product

80. proprietary drug

81. raw materials

82. Dependent Demand

83. Dry Storage

84. Cantilever Rack

85. Lot Size

86. Intertitles

87. Firewire

88. Distribution Requirements Planning

89. Walkie Or Walkie-rider

90. Traveling Matte

91. Pick-to-light

92. Underscan

93. secondary industry

94. Pick-to-carton

95. Jackpot Line

96. Exponential Smoothing

97. Sprockets

98. Cube

99. Tilt-tray Sorter

100. Mrp/mrpii, Manufacturing Resource Planning

Note: Maximum 100 records reached. Please narrow your search.

Featured term of the day

Definition / Meaning of

Homeowners Policy Special Form 3 (HO 3)

Categories: Insurance,


Most popular terms

1. Roth 401(k)
2. Family Of Funds
3. Limited Severability Provision
4. Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SARBOX, SOX, SOx) Of 2002
5. Employee Retirement Income Security Act Section 404(c)
6. Act-as-one Provision
7. Franchised Monopoly
8. Retired Directors Liability Policies
9. Net Asset Value (NAV)

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Bankruptcy Assistance
Bonds and Treasuries
Business and Management
Compliance and Governance
Credit and Debt
Estate Planning
Fundamental Analysis
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Mutual Funds
Operation and Production
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