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Did you run across an unfamiliar term when applying for a forex trading account? Do you read a vague term in your home mortgage agreement? Do you see a strange financial term in a company quarterly report? LikeForex.com glossary get all those answers for you.

With the largest financial term glossary databases on the internet, covering all areas in the financial sector. Currently it has more than 40,000 financial terms, and new terms are added frequently.

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Financial terms in "Banking"

1. Member bank

2. non-borrowed reserves

3. fraudulent

4. Collecting Bank

5. cost-of-living increase

6. term CD

7. means test

8. house journal

9. Fed

10. hereby

11. gold card

12. quote-driven system

13. possess

14. individual savings account (ISA)

15. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

16. computerise

17. contingent payment sale

18. forfeit clause

19. mounting

20. press cutting

21. marketing agreement

22. Central bank

23. ineligible bill

24. Financial Asset Securitisation Investment Trust

25. inspector

26. overall

27. disposable personal income

28. hoard

29. disqualifying income

30. Association of Futures Brokers and Dealers

31. interest-free credit

32. ramp

33. Press Conference

34. capitalise

35. certificate of registration

36. keep back

37. performance review

38. lending standards

39. indirect loan

40. independent company

41. world

42. accordingly

43. bank identification number

44. back out

45. honorary secretary

46. hoarding

47. National Association of Federal Credit Unions (NAFCU)

48. pass

49. cutback

50. bring

51. Chartered Institute of Bankers

52. 24-hour trading

53. overextend

54. public monopoly

55. doctor

56. general undertaking

57. financing cost

58. issued price

59. bonanza

60. pay back

61. legalisation

62. accretable yield

63. Department for Work and Pensions

64. business address

65. Guaranteed Equity Bond

66. drawing account

67. Certified Consumer Debt Specialist (CCDS)

68. future

69. credit card balance transfer

70. bull position

71. floppy disk

72. eximbank

73. customer service department

74. horse trading

75. cancelled check

76. reserved market

77. non-acceptance

78. final closing date

79. keep

80. Chartered Association of Certified Accountants

81. patent office

82. cheat

83. internal capital generation rate (ICGR)

84. disbursement float

85. telephone order

86. staff training

87. risk-weighted asset

88. Pac-man

89. above-the-line advertising

90. hard cash

91. special notice

92. Depository institution

93. on the side

94. neglected

95. deposit in transit

96. impounding

97. Custodian

98. house property

99. Bank Holiday

100. central bank discount rate

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Definition / Meaning of

Fill Or Kill Order (FOK)

Categories: Finance,

Has various definitions. 1) On some exchanges, a market or limited price order that is to be executed in its entirety as soon as it is represented in the trading crowd, and, if not so executed, is to be treated as canceled. In this context, no partial fills are accepted, and the FOK order is treated as an IOC, Aon order. 2) On other exchanges, a market or limit order that is to be executed by filling the number of shares made available by the first bid or offer, and then canceling any unfilled balance. In this context, a FOK order is treated as an instruction to fill what can be filled by hitting the first bid or offer, and cancel the rest. In this case partial fills are possible, and the FOK order is treated as an IOC, Any Part order. Because of the prevalence of interlisted stocks, the ability of a broker’s trading desk to direct trades to one exchange or another, and the different interpretations the order can have depending on which exchange the order is routed to, use of this type or order is discouraged. Instead, either an IOC AON, or an IOC Any Part, order will get the desired result regardless of the exchange.

Most popular terms

1. Special Personal Auto Policy (SPAP)
2. Information Disclosure Statement (IDS)
3. Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation And Amortization
4. Insurer Insolvency Exclusion
5. Net Asset Value (NAV)
6. Floating Rate
7. Family Exclusion
8. Money Market Mutual Fund
9. Bankruptcy Proceedings
10. Mortgage-backed Security

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