Convert 982118 Swedish Krona (SEK) to same region currencies |
982118 SEK = 80,315 CHF (Swiss Franc) 982118 SEK = 85,640 EUR (Euro) 982118 SEK = 71,383 GBP (British Pound Sterling) 982118 SEK = 638,956 DKK (Danish Krone) 982118 SEK = 71,383 GIP (Gibraltar Pound) 982118 SEK = 12,769,127 ISK (Iceland Krona) 982118 SEK = 1,020,734 NOK (Norwegian Krone) 982118 SEK = 69,881 XDR (Special Drawing Right - SDR) | 982118 JPY = 45,784 CNY (Chinese Yuan Renminbi) 982118 JPY = 8,499 BND (Brunei Dollar) 982118 JPY = 26,136,682 KHR (Cambodia Riel) 982118 JPY = 49,903 HKD (Hong Kong Dollar) 982118 JPY = 101,002,163 IDR (Indonesia Rupiah) 982118 JPY = 141,362,570 LAK (Lao Kip) 982118 JPY = 51,505 MOP (Macao Pataca) 982118 JPY = 28,006 MYR (Malaysian Ringgit) 982118 JPY = 21,821,990 MNT (Mongolia Tugrik) 982118 JPY = 5,779,809 KPW (North Korean Won) 982118 JPY = 373,864 PHP (Philippine Peso) 982118 JPY = 8,492 SGD (Singapore Dollar) 982118 JPY = 8,891,337 KRW (South Korean Won) 982118 JPY = 206,089 TWD (Taiwan New Dollar) 982118 JPY = 217,433 THB (Thailand Baht) 982118 JPY = 162,830,065 VND (Viet Nam Dong) |
Most Popular SEKJPY (Swedish Krona to Japanese Yen) conversions |
No | Swedish Krona (SEK) | Japanese Yen (JPY) | Notation |
1 | kr 1 SEK | ¥ 14.42 JPY | 1 Swedish Krona = 14.42 Japanese Yen |
2 | kr 5 SEK | ¥ 72.10 JPY | 5 Swedish Krona = 72.10 Japanese Yen |
3 | kr 10 SEK | ¥ 144.20 JPY | 10 Swedish Krona = 144.20 Japanese Yen |
4 | kr 20 SEK | ¥ 288.39 JPY | 20 Swedish Krona = 288.39 Japanese Yen |
5 | kr 50 SEK | ¥ 720.99 JPY | 50 Swedish Krona = 720.99 Japanese Yen |
6 | kr 100 SEK | ¥ 1,442 JPY | 100 Swedish Krona = 1,442 Japanese Yen |
7 | kr 250 SEK | ¥ 3,605 JPY | 250 Swedish Krona = 3,605 Japanese Yen |
8 | kr 500 SEK | ¥ 7,210 JPY | 500 Swedish Krona = 7,210 Japanese Yen |
9 | kr 1,000 SEK | ¥ 14,420 JPY | 1000 Swedish Krona = 14,420 Japanese Yen |
10 | kr 5,000 SEK | ¥ 72,099 JPY | 5000 Swedish Krona = 72,099 Japanese Yen |
11 | kr 10,000 SEK | ¥ 144,197 JPY | 10000 Swedish Krona = 144,197 Japanese Yen |
12 | kr 50,000 SEK | ¥ 720,987 JPY | 50000 Swedish Krona = 720,987 Japanese Yen |
13 | kr 100,000 SEK | ¥ 1,441,974 JPY | 100000 Swedish Krona = 1,441,974 Japanese Yen |
14 | kr 500,000 SEK | ¥ 7,209,870 JPY | 500000 Swedish Krona = 7,209,870 Japanese Yen |
15 | kr 1,000,000 SEK | ¥ 14,419,741 JPY | 1000000 Swedish Krona = 14,419,741 Japanese Yen |